Enable Users to Receive Panic Alerts Notifications (MOP 2.0)

Enable Users to Receive Panic Alerts Notifications (MOP 2.0)

When a hotel staff member faces a safety or security concern, like dealing with an unruly guest or a potentially hazardous situation, they can trigger the panic button. This action sends a notification to designated recipients, such as the front desk and property management. This notification acts as an urgent request for assistance, enabling the hotel to respond promptly and effectively, ensuring the safety of its employees. A panic alert notification is sent via text message and also appears as a notification on the user's phone.
Path: Administration > Identity Management > Users

1. Choose the user for whom you want to enable panic notifications.

2. Click on the wheel icon on the left and select "Edit".

3. Scroll down within the window and verify that the correct phone number is entered. The phone number should already be pre-filled, as it is mandatory for every account and for password reset purposes.

4. At the end of the profile, check the "Panic Alerts" box.

5. Click "Save".

6. The user will now receive text and notification alerts every time someone uses the panic button.

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