"My Tasks" (MOP 2.0)

"My Tasks" (MOP 2.0)

The "My Tasks" section presents a comprehensive view of all tasks assigned to the currently logged-in user on a single page. For users with 'Site Administrator' privileges, this view includes not only the tasks currently assigned to them but also maintenance tasks designated for verification upon completion.
Path: My Tasks

The screenshots are made of 

1. The view will show:
- Room number and room type.
- Duty/Task.
- Status of the task (desktop view only)
- Priority (desktop view only).

2. The "Search" field is used specifically to search for tasks by room number.

3. Click on the arrow at the end of the line to see the detail of the task.

4. To Start a task, click on the eye icon located on the left side of the task line.

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