Panic Button Overview (MOP 2.0)

Panic Button Overview (MOP 2.0)

Every user on your property (housekeeping, maintenance and front desk, mobile and desktop users) will find the panic button icon in the upper-right corner of every page. The site admin has the authority to manage which individuals receive phone calls, text messages, and email notifications when a panic alert is triggered. To receive external alerts, each user account must include a valid phone number and email address on their user page.

To initiate a Panic Alert, simply tap the Panic button. This action will redirect you to the Recording page, allowing you to commence Video and Audio recording using your device. During the first use, your browser will request permissions to access your camera and microphone for recording.
Once you've started a recording, you can stop it by clicking the "Stop Recording" button. When a Panic Alert is raised, all other logged-in users on the Page will promptly receive a notification that includes the user's name and, if available, their last known location.
For users with proper configurations, Panic Alerts trigger phone calls, text messages, and email notifications, furnishing them with comprehensive details regarding the Alert. When you receive a Panic Alert notification, you have the option to close the pop-up by selecting either "Acknowledge" or "Dismiss". We recommend using the "Acknowledge" button if you are the user responding to the alert, while the "Dismiss" button is advisable if another team member has already taken action.
To access a comprehensive record of all Panic Alert logs and associated files, navigate to the "Panic Alert Video Log" menu.

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