Schedule Recurring Maintenance Task(s) 🎥

Schedule Recurring Maintenance Task(s) 🎥

Scheduling recurring maintenance helps to keep the hotel in top working order. MOP has the ability to schedule recurring maintenance based on the parameters set by the brand, ownership, or hotel management.

After selecting the Add Recurring Maintenance task icon, continue with data entry for the tasks 
- Room: Select the room number or area of the hotel;
- Duty: Select duty (Daily Pool Care, Weekly Ice Machine Maintenance, etc.)
- Priority: Defaults to medium but can select another level
- Assigned To Staff member to complete the task
- Verify By  Defaults to what staff has been assigned in profile but can be changed for the one task in the day for the day
- Days: Indicates the frequency of the task. i.e 7 would be every 7 days, 30 would be every 30 days
- Start Date: Select the date you want the task cycle to begin
- Start Time / End Time: Sets a time parameter expectation for the task to be completed
- Counter: Leave blank if you want the task to continue indefinitely or put in 1 if you only want it on one cycle
- Active and Delete: The task will remain Active until Delete is selected
- Notes: Up to 256 characters for additional details
- Submit: Select to lock in the scheduled task. Submit must be selected after each task is created before selecting Add New to create another task
-Add New: Create another recurring task 

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