Searching for Specific Tasks 🎥

Searching for Specific Tasks 🎥

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There are 3 ways to search for tasks:
- The stand-alone "Task Search" icon.
- The "All Tasks" icon.
- Through Reports, allowing users to view the tasks within a specific time frame for a single day or specific block of days.

There are multiple filters available in the search.
1. Filter for a specific user.
2. Filter by room number or a specific area of the hotel.

3. Filter by duty such as checkouts or refresh.
4. Filter by maintenance tasks.
5. Filter by Front Desk tasks like Lost and Found.

6. Filter by priority levels like high, medium, or low.
7. Filter by the status like new, finished, or DND.

8. Filter to a single day or specific time frame less than a 62-days.
9. Filter by task creator.

10. Filter by specificity such as pets, front desk, or recurring tasks.

11. Click Search to generate the search.

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