Update Checkout Time

Update Checkout Time

If a guest requests a departure time (i.e. late checkout) other than the hotel's standard checkout time loaded in MOP, you can flag that requested time by changing the Checkout Time status.
The new time will be reflected on the All Task screen as well as the other logged-in user's screen with tasks associated with that room, such as the Room Attendant that is assigned to clean the room or the Maintenance personnel that has a pending maintenance ticket. This will avoid disturbing the guest before they are ready to vacate the room.

1. Select the task through one of the 5 path: Add Task, Edit Tasks, All Tasks, RA Monitor and Add Maint, as indicated below. If a new task is created (such as a maintenance work order), the late checkout must be indicated at the time of creating the task.

2. Select the task to update the time on.

3. Select Checkout Time using the drop-down window.

4. Click Submit.

5. The time is now customized.

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