View & Edit Preventative Maintenance Tasks (MOP 2.0)

View & Edit Preventative Maintenance Tasks (MOP 2.0)

This screen will display all existing preventative maintenance tasks, along with their frequency, priority, and the assigned maintenance employee. To see
Path: Dashboard > Prev. Maint Tasks

1. The main screen displays: the assignee, duty task, priority, frequency and the status.

2. To access the details of a task, simply click on the right arrow at the end of the line.

3. The search field is made to search by assignee.

4. To create a new Preventative Maintenance Task, click on "Add Prev. Maint Tasks".

5. To view the list of Upcoming Preventative Maintenance by Rent Days.

6. To view the list of Upcoming Preventative Maintenance by Number of Days.

7. To edit a preventative maintenance task, click on the pencil icon located on the left side.

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