Governor Process Inspection Report

Governor Process Inspection Report

This report is only accessible by a Governor.
The Governor Process Inspection report provides statistics for the current year weekly and monthly. Previous years are also available, monthly only. It displays extensive data of inspections conducted at hotels within the Governor's setup. The report is available by Region or by Site.
This is data collected when observing a Room Attendant cleaning a room following a set process and sequence. It is broken down into categories and recognition based on the levels of achievement. The report is available in pdf and csv.
Path: Governor Login > Region/Sites > Click Pdf or Csv depending on the format you are looking for.

The PDF format

The pdf format will display graphs and visuals.
1. Horizontal row shows the number of Process Inspections, the Average Score and the number of Room Attendants inspected.

2. The Inspections results display as "Belt Awards" based on performance. The minimum level of achievement is the yellow belt and the highest is the black belt.
- The yellow belt is achieved by cleaning the room according to the set process and having missed only 4-6 items in the process.
- The green belt is achieved by cleaning the room according to the set process and having missed only 3 or fewer items in the process.
- The brown belt is achieved by cleaning the room according to the set process and having missed only 3 or fewer items in the process and providing detailed talking points as the reasoning behind the specific cleaning process.
- The black belt is achieved by first earning a brown belt and then taking someone from a no belt status to a brown belt.

3. Vertical column shows the Region/area and their results.

4. Click on the belts colors to get a detailed statistical view.
- Pie Chart Graph for Belt Count

- Color Codes for Belts and the number of each received

- Average scores and total inspections for the period

- Number of room attendants inspected and the average inspections completed per site in the Governor set up

The CSV format

The CSV/Excel format will display the following columns:

- Process Inspection Date
- Site ID
- Site Name
- Region ID
- Region Name
- Employee ID
- Dept ID
- Employee Name
- Score
- Missed
- Room
- Brown Belt
- Excellent
- Pass
- Fail
- Belt
- Graph Order
- Integrated
- Notes
- Create Date
- Day Created

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