Network Test Report

Network Test Report

The Reports available in MOP provides you with data for critical analysis of various areas of performance at your hotel. The Network Test Report provides data on the Internet speed of the hotel. It captures data regarding speeds detected in/around guest rooms and from routers and their IP address. This report is only available weekly, not monthly.

Average Connection Length Per Day (in Milliseconds)
1. Milliseconds
2. Hits on the day of the week

Count of Tasks per Day
1. Tasks per day of the week
2. Day of the week


Average Speed and Speed per Area
1. Average response speed in milliseconds (ms)
2. Statistical breakdown from numeric rooms, common areas, total IP addresses, total task counts

Count of Tasks by IP Address
1. IP addresses and total distinct IP address
2. Count of tasks per IP address and total task count
3. Average speed per IP address and millisecond speed average for all

Average Speed by Room - Ordered by Average
1. Room or common area
2. Count of tasks for rooms and/or common areas
3. Fastest and slowest millisecond speeds
4. Average millisecond speed of the fastest and slowest speeds
5. Number of distinct rooms (eliminates multiple entries for a room or area) and total millisecond speed for all locations, IP sources 

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