See Scheduled Preventive Maintenance Tasks

See Scheduled Preventive Maintenance Tasks

Access: Site Administrator.

Preventative maintenance tasks are proactive measures taken to prevent failures and ensure the longevity and reliability of equipment or systems. These tasks involve scheduled inspections, adjustments, cleaning, lubrication, or component replacements to maintain the optimal functioning of machinery, equipment, or systems. Preventative maintenance tasks are performed proactively based on predetermined intervals (Days Counter) or condition-based triggers (days rented).

1. Click on Prev. Maint Tasks.

2. The screen will display every schedule task to come. Clickin on the number of a task would open the task itself from the "Add Prev. Maint Tasks" screen.

When a task shows "See Notes" as duty, click on the task ID number to open it.

3. If you have a long list of tasks, clicking on the "Upcoming Rent Days List" will only show you only the tasks scheduled based on the occupied days.

4. Clicking on the "Upcoming Number of Days List" will only show you the tasks scheduled based on a number of days rotation.

5. Once on either of the two possibilities, there is always a shortcut to the "Add Prev. Maint Tasks" screen.

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